Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let's Talk About Our Path to Change

Saskatoon's Poverty Reduction strategy is taking shape...but much more needs to be done to bolster the idea of "Nothing About us Without us"

The Saskatoon Anti Poverty Coalition (SAPC) is working hard to be the voice of those experiencing poverty in Saskatoon. The Let's Talk About our Path to Change video is only a start, please lend your voice and ears to the poverty reduction strategy in Saskatoon and Saskatchewan by signing the SAPC petition for a provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy (petition copies available upon request), or by attending the regular SAPC monthly meetings.

Next meeting is Wednesday August 4th. We gather for lunch and conversation at noon and the meeting starts at 1 PM. We meet at St. Paul's Hospital Cafeteria, meeting rooms 1,2,3.

The SAPC phone number is:955-5095

or you can email for more information at: antipoverty@sasktel.net

The SAPC office is open Wednesday mornings from 10:00 AM to noon and is located at the Rainbow Community Centre at Avenue H and 20th.

...lots more to come!!!

Michael Rosenblum IMA Keynote

Michael Rosenblum: IMA 2007 Keynote from John Proffitt on Vimeo.

The Future is Public Service Media

The Future is Public Service Media from John Proffitt on Vimeo.

Open letter from Passion for Action Against Homelessness

Government Cuts Services to Core Communities

The Government surprised Quint Development Corporation by cutting money that supports the core staff of this very effective organization who create new and effective programs. Quint Development Corporation is a community organization serving five core communities in Saskatoon's. The services they provide range from assisting low income people buying and maintaining housing, assisting neighbourhoods to get organized to deal with social or other challenges, providing shelter for disadvantaged youths, and providing low income people with affordable housing among other things.

The cost of services provided by this not for profit organization are low and have a high rate of productivity for the money. It is much more cost effective to support people in flexible and supported housing initiatives such as Quint provides, than it is to build more prisons for the homeless, mentally ill and addicted, where the daily costs of housing a person are enormous.

While Quint’s track record in creating housing and employment opportunities for those at the bottom of the income ladder is undeniable, the government has cut funding that supports innovation, creativity and planning. This decision seems to fly in the face of some of the objectives outlined in their budget speech, namely, investing in Housing, Children and Families.

This is an attack on the core communities of Saskatoon and an attack on those already struggling with health, employment and housing issues. Passion for Action Against Homelessness recognizes this as a step backward and remarkably unbalanced against the most vulnerable in our society. The Government has an opportunity to reduce disparities to the disadvantaged, powerless, and vulnerable in Saskatoon through restoring funding to effective social agencies like Quint. Passion for Action Against Homelessness hopes that the Government of Saskatchewan will reconsider its position on this matter.

Passion for Action Against Homelessness

Why this blog

This blog is intended as a test open media sight for Saskatoon community folks looking for an appropriate place to post and share their autonomous ideas, their videos, their news and information.

The usage, learning and sharing here will support autonomous peer to peer networking, community journalism, public service journalism and open media.

This is not a place for corporate media.

More will be learned, more will be shared.
